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New Hampshire And Massachusetts Traffic Sign Guidelines – Gig Line 7

If you’re a property manager/owner or a contractor dealing with the installation of new traffic signs for your parking lot or, worst case scenario, dealing with an emergency order to fix some parking lot traffic sign issues that are triggering fines from the authorities, I’d like to share some important resources with you.

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is the the national standard for Traffic Control Devices (mostly dealing with traffic signs). All states use the MUTCD; however, some states supplement the MUTCD with additional state-specific restrictions and requirements.  New Hampshire, for example, uses the national guidelines while Massachusetts, on the other hand, uses the national guidelines along with a state supplement.

For the national MUTCD guidelines, visit

For the Massachusetts supplement, visit:

Here’s a direct link to the Massachusetts Guidelines in PDF as well:

Finally, for a very informative video from my friend, Greg Driskell, at Professional Pavement Products.


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